Stormly analyzed common questions people have about their products, then created out-of-the-box reports that give you the answers for each one of them!
Target high-value customers for maximum ROI
See where users are dropping out of your funnel
See stickiness by daily, weekly and monthly repeat usage
Trend events by the date and time they were performed
See daily, weekly and monthly new user trends
How intensely are features used and by how many users
When and how often user comes back after some action
How many users are coming back after X days?
How many days are users active out of the last 30 days
How long users stay on average and how often they return
Get the forecast and trends of any user or event metrics
Discover many users performed one or more actions
E.g. on playtime per song to get average playtime per user
Discover trends and patterns in recurring revenue per user
Trend (custom) user properties by user dates
Pinpoint what works and focus your optimization efforts
Get past and future event trends and interactions per user
New traffic source, campaign, country, forecast and trends
Discover what behavior and inventory increases checkout
Conversion, retention and CLV for campaigns and referrers
Get notified when conversion, active users and events drop
Discover how often users come back to use a feature
Find out how many users your current users are bringing in
Calculate user metrics related to actions or conversion
Calculate event metrics and properties by date of event
Discover differences in the same user actions and metrics
Test different versions and see what works best
Compare actions before user conversion happened
Find similar groups of users by behavior and properties
Get a quick overview of new users
Predict in realtime if a visitor will convert, retain or more
Recommend high converting content leading in real-time
Harness the power of SQL to analyze your data
Webshop inventory performance
Discover causes for difference in conversion
What content is most used and how does it convert