
The Stormly API provides a wide range of components that can be used in the JSX code of Insights and Plugins.

For an overview of basic layout components such as how to make a two or one column layout, using text, titles and more, see the Layout Basics page first.

Once you have a basic layout structure, use components to visualize results. The example Insight below uses a few different components.

  • First it uses a <Title> and <Subtitle> for the "AHA MOMENTS" header and sub-header.
  • After that <Score> circles are used to display the summaries such as number of users measured and average conversion.
  • Below that a simple <Txt> to diplay some textual information.
  • After that <InfoTable> is used to display using a rich table format information such as which behavior leads to higher conversion, including a shortcuts to save those results directly as a segment using the <Segment> component.
  • Finally a <Chart> is used to display average conversion VS behavioral segment with high conversion over the last few year.
Example Insight using several components:

Insight Components Example